New Normal

“Girl With Virus” Wet plate collodion by Shane Balkowitsch Nostalgic Glass Wet Plate Studio NEW NORMAL A new Play-in-Process By Matthew Heiti, Artistic Associate, Pat the Dog Theatre Creation 7pm November 21 A woman is quarantined in a foreign country when a pandemic sweeps across the globe. On her return home, she finds everything familiar has become [...]

Struck: A Pivot in Process

STRUCK A PIVOT IN PROCESS by Eric Rose 9pm November 20 A podcast play-in-process followed by a conversation with the Creative Team in a collaborative discussion on pivoting process during pandemic times. I can see clearly into the tent. It’s Illuminated. Warren cross-legged grasping a tent zipper. Me on my back hanging above my slept-in [...]


AÉROPORTÉE un texte de Matthew Heiti traduit librement de l’anglais par Miriam Cusson Directed by Miriam Cusson 7pm November 20 Mise en scène : Manon St-Jules Interprétation : Miriam Cusson et Roch Castonguay Après avoir travaillé à la traduction de ce texte qui sera produit cette saison au TNO pendant plus d’un an avec la complicité [...]

Sensory Box

SENSORY BOX Directed by Eric Rose 7pm November 19 SensoryBox is an at-home digital sensory experience for self-isolation - a funny, delightful, and surprising experience unboxing the uncertainty of our time. When was the last time you felt the first gentle brush of a butterfly kiss? Or the sticky sweet taste of maple syrup licked off [...]

Hope Op

A world premiere of a sparkling new comedy about yoga, crime and women’s anger. Written by Samuel French award-winning playwright Kristin Shepherd. Directed by Heather Davies. Starring the playwright herself, Kristin Shepherd with Baptiste Neis, Kelly McIntosh and Stacy Smith. Dramaturgy by Lisa O’Connell.