November 20, 2020



9pm November 20

A podcast play-in-process followed by a conversation with the Creative Team in a collaborative discussion on pivoting process during pandemic times.

I can see clearly into the tent. It’s Illuminated. Warren cross-legged grasping a tent zipper. Me on my back hanging above my slept-in sleeping bag a 3 prong electrical cord wired to my eye socket. I can hear the crackle of electricity surging through every filament of my body. I hang in an arc, mid-air, burning. – Eric Rose STRUCK!

What would you do in that moment? The moment after? The moment-moment months, even years after? How does this change you? A riveting, startling, literally electric exploration of one man’s actual experience being struck by lightning and living to tell the tale.

Eric Rose: Director and Playwright
Matthew Heiti: Dramaturg and Actor
Dan Bedard: Sound Design

Tickets are free with a recommended donation of $10. All PlaySmelter 2020 ticket sales will be directed to local artists.