MAY 12 9PM
SUDBURY THEATRE CENTRE, 170 Shaughnessy St, Greater Sudbury, ON P3E 3E7
TICKETS $15 At Door  |  Festival Pass (all events) $50

Elder Solomon Peacewin Spring hunts on his grounds alone in the wilderness. This seasons hunt brings plenty of challenges, surprises, and unexpected visitors far from his home community.

Director: Lisa O’Connell

Eli Chilton

I work and live in Moose Factory Ontario with my family. I was born and raised here in the James Bay area and lived here most of my life. I have worked here at our local radio station, CJFI 107.1 The Island Youth Radio since 2013, as a radio DJ and producer. Along with my radio duties, I also work at the youth center as a youth worker, helping with events and daily duties of the center. I have been an amateur writer most of my life, writing plays, screenplays, poetry, and short stories. In regard to my poetry, I have had two poems published in the Poetry Institute of Canada’s publication in 2010 and 2011. I also had a live reading with Pat The Dog Theatre at their festival Playsmelter in 2017. Living in the far north, I have been an outdoorsman in some capacity my whole life. Hunting and fishing with my family throughout my life, but also, hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing around the area of Moose Factory and Moosonee.

Will Chilton was born & raised in Moose Factory, Ontario. He’s been living in Vancouver, BC since 2015 and has been in various National and International Tv shows such as Arrow, Nancy Drew, TImeless, Jamestown all while continuing to take professional acting workshops, most notably graduating from Vancouver Film School’s Acting for Film & TV intensive program.

Jonathan Fisher is Bear Clan and Anishnabe from the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. He has been acting professionally for the past thirty years. Selected credits include: “Almighty Voice & His Wife” (Native Earth Performing Arts). “Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing” (Red Roots Theatre). “fareWel” (Prairie Theatre Exchange). “A Trickster’s Tale” (Theatre Direct). “New France” (VideoCabaret). “Raven Stole the Sun” (Red Sky Performance). “Copper Thunderbird” (National Arts Centre). “Stretching Hide” (Theatre Projects Manitoba). “Tales of an Urban Indian” (Talk Is Free Theatre). “400 Kilometers” (Lighthouse Theatre). “Medicine Boy” (Anishnabe Theatre Performance). “Night” (Human Cargo). “The Hours That Remain” (Magnus Theatre). “Elle” (Theatre Passe Muiraille). “The Berlin Blues” and “Ipperwash” (Blyth Festival). “Reckoning” (Article 11). “Home Is A Beautiful Word” (SUM Theatre). “Weaving Reconciliation: Our Way” (Vancouver Moving Theatre Company). “This Is How We Got Here” (Native Earth/Shaw Festival) and “The Mush Hole” (Kaha:wi Dance Theatre).

Gregory Tremblay has worked in theatre and film for over 25 years as a cinematographer, editor, actor
and writer. He is an Educational Assistant for the RDSB and teaches Film Studies at Cambrian College.

Admission $15. Children under 12 years FREE.

Festival Passes $50. Includes: Admission to all events + Festival Treat Bag + Discount for on-line purchases at Playwrights Canada Press.

Doors open 30 minutes before each event. Please note that some events have limited capacity.