
Thursday, May 2, 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Remains is a script that finds it’s home within Shkagamik-Kwe’s Project Uncle. Project Uncle is, at it’s heart, a celebration of Indigenous men. What you will see this evening is how playwright Sarah Gartshore is attempting to find balance with male and female energies in the creation process. Remains is song, celebration, and a low rumbling. We have all experienced loss but it is not always easy to identify what was lost, cut or ripped from our lives. To begin their healing journey Dust and Bone must rumble with their truths and identify the remains.

Playwright: Sarah Gartshore

Sarah Gartshore is a playwright, director, actor and teacher who makes her home in Sudbury Ontario. Gartshore’s work offers a platform for voices from the margins as well nurtures those voices within the theatre space as future theatre creators. Aware of the power of theatre as a space of Story Telling and reclamation of human rights, Gartshore uses the medium as a space for community building in marginalized communities.

Actor: Matthew Heiti

Matthew Heiti is a writer, actor, director and teacher working in Sudbury, North Ontario. He holds a BFA in Acting from Ryerson University and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of New Brunswick. He has published a novel, The City Still Breathing (Coach House Books) and a play Black Dog: 4 vs. the wrld (Playwrights Canada Press). His other works for the stage include: Receiver of Wreck (PlaySmelter), Mucking in the Drift (Sudbury Theatre Centre), Plague: a [sic] love story (Crestfallen) and Aviatrix (Lunchbox Theatre). He has served as Playwright-in-residence with the Sudbury Theatre Centre and Pat the Dog Theatre Creation, working with emerging writers. He writes at and explores new work in strange places with Crestfallen ( In his spare time, he is usually working.

Musical collaborators - Trudy Jones, Jennifer Holub, Lisa Marie Naponse, Darcy Trudeau, Bryden Gwiss Kiwenzie, Sarah Gartshore, Brent Wohlberg